Raspberry Thorn FAQ

A comprehensive guide to booking


What is a Hand Poke tattoo?

Hand Poked tattoos do not use a machine but only a needle to form each line, dot by dot, making it a slower and quieter process. The end results in a tattoo that has a more intimate and rudimentary feel.

Why Hand Poke?

Hand Poke tattoos have an organic style with a distinct character that is preferred by many. Some feel as though it hurts less, is peaceful, and quite therapeutic. The process is less invasive and slower so it requires a little more patience. 

How does it heal?

Handpoked tattoos heal much faster than machine tattoos. There is less trauma to the skin therefore your body can heal faster. This typically takes two weeks, but can vary depending on each individual. 

Are Hand Poked tattoos permanent? 

Yes they are permanent! It is a huge myth that they are not. I am in fact pushing ink into your dermis as a machine would do. 

Do Hand Poked tattoos hurt? 

Some say it is less painful or comparable to a machine tattoo.


I am at Dani Girl Tattoo in Schofield WI.



On the Flash Store, scroll to the bottom, and you can fill out the form to email me your request. I will email back in a timely manner to your request. I have the right to refuse any work. If you have additional questions my email is mattsonrachel711@gmail.com


I have a tab that you can go to select your flash item on and pay for the deposit price. You will then email me your receipt, placement, and desired date in order to schedule. 

Email only with questions. I will respond within 48 hours.


I am $100/hr.

  • NOTE: hand poke tattoos do take longer than machine tattoos as they are more laborious. 

  • Tipping is welcome. 15-20% is standard, but you are welcome to tip as you feel.


$50 Deposits are required and non refundable. 

  • It is security for you and me. 

  • It secures your time slot and date. 

  • It also holds you accountable to that time. I do not get paid for the work I do outside of the appointment. ie. research, drawing, scheduling, and purchases. No call no show is a loss and because of this, they are non refundable. 

  • This is not an additional cost to you as it is a downpayment toward the final cost of the tattoo.


Healing is your responsibility. I will send you home with care instructions and I will give verbal instructions post appointment. I do allow for ONE free touch up. After a year of having the tattoo it will be $50 a touch up. 

I am a huge fan of how easy hand poke tattoos heal but you must also do your part to care for it for optimal healing.


Do not show up intoxicated

I expect you to be honest on our release forms. If you have THC or any psychoactive drug  in your system it will heighten your pain response and will not be fun for you. I always want to make sure everyone is comfortable with me, but I do not want to become your trip sitter. 

Please do not drink alcohol within 24 hours of your appointment. Being hungover and getting a tattoo is NOT a good time. I need you to be hydrated and well rested. Being actively drunk will thin your blood and make it difficult to tattoo. Not to mention, it will make healing harder for your body. The cons outweigh the pros here plus it is illegal. 

Show up on time

Please show up on time or email if you are going to be a few minutes late. If you do not show up within 15 minutes of your appointment it will be canceled, and I will keep the deposit. I will not reschedule if this is your 2nd offense. 

I dont show designs

I do not show designs pre appointment. We will have enough time at the beginning of the appointment to discuss changes you would like to make.


I am happy to make changes to your designs. This will be on your body forever so please make sure you like it and placement. We may be in the midwest but this is NOT RUDE.

Oh no, I am sick, what do I do?

Do not come to your appointment sick, I will be more than happy to work out a new time and date as I do NOT want to get sick. A short sickness for you is a long lasting sickness for me.

First Come First Served

If you have requested a date and do not send the deposit within 12 hours of approval of date and time, your time slot can be given to the next person that requests that date.


Lotion the location every day for 1-2 weeks pre appointment. 

Wear something comfortable and easily accessible for the appointment.

I cannot tattoo on wounds, rashes, sunburns, moles, or fake tanned skin.

Eat 1-2 hours before your tattoo. Protein and sugars are important for that adrenaline spike that comes with getting a tattoo so you don't feel awful. I do have sugary snacks just in case you start to feel a blood sugar crash, but this is NOT a supplement for food.

You are welcome to bring fidget toys, distractions, or comfort items that will not get in the way of the tattoo location or experience.

I offer Silent Tattoo Appointments. I love to chat during appointments, however, I understand that sometimes staying quiet is a form of pain management. Now while booking you can request a quiet session. Be sure to specify before the appointment so that I can prepare accordingly.



  • Horror

  • Fantasy

  • Seasonal

  • Unique

  • Dotted works

  • Quirky 

  • Gothic

  • Vintage Botanicals

  • Cross Hatching 

  • Wood Cut



  • Blackouts

  • Anything larger than 12 in with heavy detail

  • Racist symbols or slurs

  • ANY hate speech or symbol

  • Other artists work